L130/L230 Firmware Update.27 元00 Device Setup.28 元00 Firmware Update. In all cases, your rights and obligations with respect to the use of vSpace Server software with Windows Server software and Windows Client software are defined by both the NComputing vSpace Server software EULA and the applicable Microsoft Software License Agreement or EULA. Microsoft or as expressly set forth in the “Microsoft Windows Server to Windows XP License Rights” section of the NComputing EULA. Information contained in this document may have been obtained from internal testing or from a third party. NComputing reserves the right to make improvements and/or changes to this User Manual and to the products, programs and/or specifications described herein at any time without notice. Please note that reproduction of this User Manual in whole or in part, without express written permission from NComputing, is not permitted. L-Series Ethernet Virtual Desktop with vSpace Server™ User Manual (For L130, L230, and 元00). Select one or more devices, right-click and click “Update firmware”. Make sure your 元00 devices and at least one vSpace host are on the same Ethernet subnet. Use a fresh installation of Windows for your vSpace deployment.